- Branding on ALPFA’s website and social media pages.
- Company spotlight at all General Body Meetings
- Priority access to host a company information session or recruitment event
* one-semester only
- Includes all Bronze Tier benefits, and:
- Company logo displayed on annual ALPFA t-shirts
- One sponsored email blast to ALPFA members per semester
- Enhanced Silver Tier benefits, and:
- Tailored social media posts highlighting the company
- Private VIP event with our members
- Sponsorship of 2 students to attend the Annual Convention
- Customized company-talent matching services
- Access to ALPFA’s resume database for potential internships or job opportunities
- Full optimization of all benefits from previous tiers
- Prominent company logo placement on ALPFA’s website and event promotional materials
- Exclusive custom social media content and sponsored features on the ALPFA FIU podcast
- Sponsorship of 4 students to attend the Annual Convention
- Dedicated and personalized company-talent matching services