Samuel Vega Rossi


Originally from Florence, Italy, but raised as a Latino in Lima, Peru, Samuel brings a global perspective to the ALPFA FIU Executive Board. His multicultural background and commitment to innovation and organizational process improvement, and connect students with valuable career opportunities. Through his position at ALPFA FIU he will seek to promote and provide opportunities and connections with professionals and companies that can provide career opportunities and develop personal and professional goals for ALPFA FIU members.

Currently a sophomore at Florida International University, Samuel Vega Rossi is pursuing a double major in International Business and Business Analytics. With a keen interest in leadership, strategy, market analysis and investments, Samuel's work as ALPFA FIU's Operations Analyst will reflect his dedication to creating opportunities for student success and fostering meaningful corporate relationships. Samuel's analytical mindset, combined with his aptitude for team management and problem solving, positions him as a competitive candidate for future careers in operations, strategy and data analytics.